I had always wanted to really put myself to update often but rather I failed to do so much of the time. But I'll try definitely. My laptop is not working - cannot be switched on for already about two month ~ which further explain why I have been in such a silence. And I have been quite busy at school reading up papers, and doing research of course..so I have to take some of my home time to do some blogging..
Anyway, I miss a lot of updates here. Firtsly it has been a year for Asyraf. We had invited few friends over to our house mainly to just let them know where we live and a sort of not fully prepared party, I shall say. I wasn't really planning the party as I know we could not get many people to come due to the small crammed little space we have. So, I thought of doing sessions, then again~it was too much to think about and I was practically so busy the week on that weekend. So it ended up with a simple meal and chats with friends.
So here is a pic of Asyraf with his new toys :
Very recently, a month later to Asyraf's birthday : last weekend in fact, it was another of our friends daughter's birthday. They properly have done the birthday party at a lovely park - "Lennox Garden". They could invite more as there are unlimited space. So, we might want to do the smae next birthday. Beside, Asyraf is still quite small to pretty much understand what was going on. We took some lovely photos of them together. Here is a snap:
Aren't they cute...
Well, i have also updated his milestone on the other page.
Hope to be updating again soon.
selamat hari lahir buat Asyraf dan Adnin...semoga menjadi anak yang soleh dan solehah utk mama dan baba....dua2 sgt comey...