Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh

I have been letting myself  free a little (free of constant tidying up, cooking and all those never ending things) and enjoy some of the thing I miss in Malaysia. One of those thing are the TV series. So I downloaded the whole series of :Tentang Dhia (About Dhia ~ The story of a girl with life that was tested by Allah). Of course the more we are tested, the more Allah is loving us. he is testing to remind us of Him and we shall not be tested for the one we cannot handle for Allah is Mighty Merciful.
 I love the OST. I love the fact that the lyric is making me realise how we are so frail in loving Allah. How we often forgets, how we often love things given by Him but so often give so little praise to Him. It reminds me of the book I read by Fatimah Syarha not so long ago. The title  of the book was "pemilik cintaku" (The one who owns my love).

Well, anyway, what else to update. I wanted to do this ever so long ago (last month :P). i finished reading the whole "How to write a lot" by Paul J.Silvia book with details... and I have to review it for sure.

Well here is my review :

  • I love it
  • It has driven my motivation to write everyday and has also comforted me that writing isn't about getting it perfect but bringing the habit of writing is improtant in order to write good and productively
  • although I am a bit disturbed by the fact that it does have some physcology background biased with some examples from physcology background, id o find it it is still useful even for science people like me
  • I love the way the author has put everything in good easy to understand words and it is thoroughly a good motivation book. I love motivation book that sort of speak to you rather than being all about facts and boring words.
  • I definitely recomend this to all PHD students out there and also to all academician. 
Well, till then, I am off.will update soon another two review of my PhD motivations book.. currently busy with a lot in mind and lab work..


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