Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ramadhan Berlalu...

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh

Lama pula tidak menulis diruangan ini. Agak sibuk dengan Ramadhan, sibuk dengan urusan belajar dan juga sibuk menjahit menhibur hati. Rindu sangat kat Malaysia bila tiba musim-musim begini. Teringat riuh rendah di dapur rumah bersama adik-adik, mama dan papa.

Sudah tu pula dah beli tiket pulang ke Malaysia bulan Oktober ini. Sempena menyambut konvokesyen suami dan bercuti tahunan. 2 Minggu je. Itupun tengah pulun siapkan summary setahun perjalananku dalam PhD. Bukan apa, supaya dapat dibincangkan lepas naik cuti nanti buat booster lepas cuti.  Nasib juga dah writing banyak sebelum-sebelum ini, tinggal edit dan perkemaskan serta tambah keputusan-keputusan baru.

Saya akui kini, PhD memang susah. Diri sendiri yang selalunya bermotivasi ini pun, kadangkala tersungkur dalam keserabutan. Tepu. Minggu ini antara minggu yang sukar. Bila timbul di hati "kenapalah susah-susah sambung phd ni??? Kan best, kalau duk umah, menjahit, bisnes part-time and jaga anak." Tapi tak boleh layan sangat kan.

Hm, tapi kutabahkan hati harini, malas tak malas jangan tak pergi ofis sebab setiap hari perlu ade progress PhD ni, baik perlahan atau cepat. Masa ni tak tunggu kita dah.. 3-4 tahun. Cepat jer berlalu.

Ramadhan pun cepat jer nak pergi. Sayu. Datanglah kembali Ramadhan, moga kita semua mendapat rahmat-Nya.

"Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia kerugian,
kecuali mereka yang beriman dan beramal soleh"

Ya Allah, terimalah urusanku sebagai ibadah dan janganla engkau jadikan aku antara orang-orang yang rugi. Amin.

Sudah disitu kisah PhD...
Kisah anak kecil ini? Semakin pandai dan bijak. Alhamdulillah. Penat juga melayan karenah nya yang suka sangat "mengemas rumah". Balik dari ofis, terus perlu masak untuk berbuka..tapi dapur..begini : huhu....

Baju raya? Mama tak sempat juga jahit, sibuk menyiapkan baju orang.  - tahun lepas punya muat lagi ni.. bolehla yer..

Okayla, sampai di sini saja dulu..

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ramadhan, the one we await for


Alhamdulillah, soon it is Ramadhan, the month that has been await. The month of Rahmah, the month to synergize back Ibadah. Not that it means we can't do it any other month, but there is always something special about Ramadhan. It is always so motivating, and a great month for Hijrah as well. I remember wearing hijab full time on one of the Ramadhan we had in UK. Apparently, it was easier to put on the Hijab during those month at that time since all my other muslim friends has the trend of wearing Hijab during Ramadhan. After Ramadhan I remain with Hijab and I did get questioned why, by some of my friends. We were young still at that time, 13. So I guess those who ask hasn't yet understand why Hijab is so important. And is not just to be worn in Ramadhan. I guess the fact that people has put Ramadhan as the month that you have to do more Ibadah has put them to wear Hijab during those month as well. But of course we hope that we could also extend that ibadah as routine as well.

This year with full heart, I do hope I could manage better. I could do more. I could try and do more Ibadah and fully utilize the moments of Ramadhan and really hope that it last a life even way after this Ramadhan. I hope this year I give myself a little push. For I love Allah. For I love Him so much, why couldn't I do it. There is absolutely no reason. It is us who are very weak and yet demand a lot from Him. It is Him who is full of love and merciful. Ya Allah, give us strength, give us the courage. Ya Allah guide us and bring us closer to you.

InsyaAllah, may this Ramadhan be a great month for all of us Muslims. Wishing you the best in planning your Ibadah, InsyaAllah..

Till then,
Ramadhan Mubarak.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Allah's Trial and Qada' and Qadar.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabaraktuh.

July has been quite a heavy month. Although it has not been even past half month just yet, lots of things happen.

Early this month I got a sad news from my family about my Grandfather, TokWe's accident and death.  I burst into tears right after the news came in on the phone while I was in the office. I missed him. And would definitely find time to see him if I ever got back to Malaysia. But Allah's Qada' and Qadar are written and definite. We can only plan, and Allah is the one who make do. I got better as soon as I thought about all the good things TokWe has gone through and how much he will be missed by all of us. He has been one of the most important people in our family and extended families. He will by most try his best to be at all of the important day of our live. My wedding, Asyraf's Aqiqah, and too much to list. He will surely be missed.
Al-fatihah. May Allah forgive him and place him with all Muslims in Rahmah.

In the same week, Faiz got into a small accident. There goes our car. It is far too expensive to get it repaired here. More than the car's worth. Therefore, we had to buy a new one. Despite of the small budget we have, we had to buy one as soon because it is so needed. Especially when I have little one around. It is so much better to have our own car.

Last Sunday - 8 July,
Asyraf suddenly had a fever. Faiz was not around. He had gone fishing that very early morning. That early morning Asyraf was just fine. I realized he suddenly got a bit too warm after he was playing in the sunlight in our home. I guess he was getting a bit too warm. But my bad was I didn't take his sweater off. I figured it was quite chilly despite the sun being in. I got his medicine and food ready. I put him a cool fever patch on the head. While I was feeding him, he got into a fit. He didn't response to me, I was totally scared. I picked him up and started dialing numbers on my phone. I don't know what to do. I waited for my friend to come while picking him up and running around totally panicking. His mouth was turning blue, and I still didn't know what to do. He throw up and he regain back his pink lips. I splashes some water on him, and he seems to be getting better then. I was scared. Still panicked. My friend, kak Miza arrived. I gave him to her and got things ready to the hospital. He was so weak and was shivering in the car. He slowly regain his conscious, but he was still weak. It is so sad seeing him like that. I was traumatised too with the whole incident.

Next time I know. It was a lesson to learn. He seems to be better today. Alhamdulillah. His fever are coming down already. We are to go to Melbourne tomorrow morning till Sunday. Hopefully he'll be okay. 

Till then,

Just an update to my journal of life,


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh

I have been letting myself  free a little (free of constant tidying up, cooking and all those never ending things) and enjoy some of the thing I miss in Malaysia. One of those thing are the TV series. So I downloaded the whole series of :Tentang Dhia (About Dhia ~ The story of a girl with life that was tested by Allah). Of course the more we are tested, the more Allah is loving us. he is testing to remind us of Him and we shall not be tested for the one we cannot handle for Allah is Mighty Merciful.
 I love the OST. I love the fact that the lyric is making me realise how we are so frail in loving Allah. How we often forgets, how we often love things given by Him but so often give so little praise to Him. It reminds me of the book I read by Fatimah Syarha not so long ago. The title  of the book was "pemilik cintaku" (The one who owns my love).

Well, anyway, what else to update. I wanted to do this ever so long ago (last month :P). i finished reading the whole "How to write a lot" by Paul J.Silvia book with details... and I have to review it for sure.

Well here is my review :

  • I love it
  • It has driven my motivation to write everyday and has also comforted me that writing isn't about getting it perfect but bringing the habit of writing is improtant in order to write good and productively
  • although I am a bit disturbed by the fact that it does have some physcology background biased with some examples from physcology background, id o find it it is still useful even for science people like me
  • I love the way the author has put everything in good easy to understand words and it is thoroughly a good motivation book. I love motivation book that sort of speak to you rather than being all about facts and boring words.
  • I definitely recomend this to all PHD students out there and also to all academician. 
Well, till then, I am off.will update soon another two review of my PhD motivations book.. currently busy with a lot in mind and lab work..
