Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bought a sewing machine

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh

I haven't been updating much. Its not that I don't want to, but it tend to get tedious to get some pictures up with I-phone. Yup, I have changed my beloved HTC wildfire to Faiz's beloved I-phone 3s. Why? Because he got new one. I-Phone 4s. Thats why I'm not tech-craze- they practically grow too fast and to keep updated requires plenty of money.

Anyway, back to the updates. Well, we have been settling down very well in Canberra. I have made pretty well progress on my research. at least on the Literature Part for now. I have yet to present tomorrow of my literature research, hope it goes well. My first presentation here....hu...

I bought Janome DC2050. Yeah. I could not live without a sewing machine. So, I have started few works using it. Beginner's work. I am starting a new hobby ~ patchwork and quilting. I have also bring up another blog ~ desireforsewing.blogspot.com. Here I will put all pictures, ideas I got from browsing and also some of my works. Possibly will be working on a lot of patchwork and quilting soon and is thinking of opening an Etsy shop too. Hope everything goes well. This is in plan ~ did I mention reading the Millionaire book? Well this is in accordance to the plan of being a milllionaire one day. If I havent talk about this before, I may write specifically on that. I so love that book.

Well, gotto go for now. Will update with picture soon I hope. Doodle.